Monday, January 23, 2012


Before we start the story, have you ever experienced this?

                If you have experienced what is described in the pictures, I believe you know what I mean with a true friendship. But if you don’t, you might have to life your life more in seeking for the experience as what the pictures describe. So, let me help you dude. When it comes to the word friendship, what is the thing that goes on your mind? A lot of things for sure. But do you actually know the true meaning of friendship? I bet you all know dude, but now here let me describe the true meaning of friendship in my perspective.
                The true Friendship, EASY to say but HARD to get. Friendship requires many people who really care to their friends no matter what will happen and always hold your hand whatever your condition. As what I’ve said, the true friendship is really hard to get. It’s not as easy as you’re looking for fishes in the sea. However, you shouldn’t have to chase it. It will find you by an amazing way, by a surprising way that you’ve never thought about. The true friendship will just find you if you act as yourself truly like who you are. You don’t have to pretend that you’re someone else, just be yourself who you are. Let your friends know you who you truly are, so that they can understand you.

“ If you’re being yourself, anyone will see your positive sides standing upon your negative sides ”

                Friendship also helps you to continue your life. We have a lot of problems in our life. Believe me some of the problems can’t be solved by our own. Yeah I know we have family in our sides, but then again how if we’re far from our family or we have lost them??? Your best friends are those who are ready to listen to your story, stay with you in facing your problems, and also help you find the solution for your unfinished problems.

“ You’re not standing all alone because you have me on your side ”

                Friendship also means being genuine and loyal. Being genuine is one of the hardest thing that we rarely find in this whole world. Some people tend to have special intention when they make friendship with some people. They take advantages from their friends who are probably rich or really smart just to fulfil their wants. Isn’t it selfish? This is a very big mistake in interpreting the meaning of friendship. But when you’re really genuine to care for someone whom you think as your  best friend, I believe you will have a true friendship  Loyal means that you need to stand by your friend’s side even in his/her worst position. When no one seems to care about your friend, you must be the one that he/she can rely on. Maybe your friend needs a shoulder to cry on while nobody seems to stand beside him/her. This is the time when you have to be ready to stand by your friend whatever the condition. A true friend will help you to cope with your problem and help you handle it.

Friendship is not the Sun that only shines in the morning
Friendship is not either Moon that only sparks in the night
But Friendship is the Lighter that is ready to light your life whenever you need to

“If you need a shoulder to cry on, you’ll just have to call me, and I’ll be right there for you, okay?”

                Have you ever watched Spongebob Squarepants? I bet all of you have watched it, haven’t ya? It tells a silly and funny story about Spongebob’s life. But do you pay attention to his friendship with Patrick? You may be thinking that these two guys are the most foolish creature in this whole world. Probably we’re right. But do you see something different in their life? They have each other’s hand together whatever the condition they’ve been through. One of the most memorable moment of this cartoon is when Patrick lost his memories and became a super smart person. Patrick turned into a whole different person and he forgot about his friendship with Spongebob. With his new smart-brain he turned into a very bad guy. But day by day, his memories started to come back as Spongebob kept reminding him about his life before he got the amnesia. Suddenly Patrick asked Spongebob to recontstruct the scene and do the same thing which caused him to get the amnesia. Spongebob did Patrick’s favor and guess what happened! Patrick turned back into the way he used to! As he realized Spongebob kept standing beside him at the time he got for all of his memories, he suddenly said :

                Isn’t really meaningful when someone tells you those words?????? I bet you think it is. Can I in this case be either Spongebob or Patrick so I can have a true best friend for the rest of my life? I wish I could.
                But then again, how could I be so ungrateful with the God’s gift for my life. I HAVE MY OWN BESTIES! Reminding so many moments with my best friends that we’ve been through makes me even feel so lucky and grateful to have them in my life. Those people give me the inspiration to write this post. Thanks guys for fill my life with color you’ve given to me. Wish that our friendship lasts forever! ^^

Friendship is the light in your life that won’t stop to guide you while you’re stuck in the dark
Friendship is the ship that never drowns in the sea sailing with you through the wide ocean
And a True Friendship is like the time that won’t stop moving, F-O-R-E-V-E-R

Dedicated and inspired by all of My Best Friends

1 comment:

  1. Ada fotoku :> xixixi
    Wih ojan iki so sweeet! wkwk
    ayo main memori lagi jan :9
